Selasa, 13 Juni 2017

VIDEO SPEECH : PROMISCUITY . Nurul Fatimah .F1031161070. Economi Education.

Assalamualaikum, wr. Wb.
I thank Allah SWT for giving me the opportunity to be ahead of this.
We are currently sitting as an educator should know that Indonesian teenagers are being threatened. Their future is in danger. Why am I saying that? This is based on many facts that the association of Indonesian adolescents has exceeded their age limit. At a young age, I often see them smoking, then there is a lot of data showing that they are pregnant out of wedlock due to promiscuity.
Other moral damage we usually see is brawl. Intercourse is something that we have to guard well.Our children have not been able to sort out the good and the bad. So I invite existing educators here to work together to guide them to get the best moral education. When the moral education they have gained is so high, I am convinced that they are able to avoid any moral evil incitement out there. We can not only provide academic education.
If we continue to focus on academic education, the intensity of moral education will diminish and students are not able to be intelligent and noble. When teachers teach in the classroom, it is good if the teacher provides a few minutes to advise the students. So they are able to get enough moral education. The division of the existing educational system in the classroom should be 50 to 50. 50 percent is academic education while 50 percent is moral education. When the technique We run consistently, I believe Indonesia's education will be better and free association will decrease.